About – O blogu

‘Lamus Dworski’ is dedicated to Poland – the Polish history, archaeology, arts, culture, folklore, curiosities, and more. 

About ‘Lamus Dworski’ — and a few disclaimers

My main focus is to show and translate various interesting bits about Polish customs, mythology and legends, primarily those rooted in the seemingly forgotten pre-Christian traditions. All the sources I use for my articles are in Polish, and I keep a general list of the references (books and articles) on my list of the sources which I recommend to my readers who know at least a bit of the Polish language. Some of the sources listed there are available online for free in dozens of the official Polish online libraries, so make sure to check the link in case you’re interested.

What’s the meaning of the blog’s name? In the Renaissance era in Poland a lamus dworski was an utility building where many valuable old items and documents were stored. You can read more about it here.

Who’s behind the ‘Lamus Dworski’? I’m a woman in my early 30s, born and living here in the beautiful Poland. The journey with ‘Lamus Dworski’ started as a simple idea: to share and translate informations about my country as a part of my personal process of learning and perfecting the English language. I’d never thought that ‘Lamus Dworski’ would gather so much attention, and all of your comments and messages are keeping me motivated to keep the blog alive, to translate and share more. As it comes to the English language, I’m already much more comfortable with using it but since I’m not a native English speaker, sometimes I still make grammar mistakes – I’d really appreciate a message in case you found any, and I will make sure to correct them as soon as possible.

I started the idea of ‘Lamus Dworski’ a few years ago as a blog on tumblr which you can visit by clicking here. It’s still my main place of communication with the followers and of sharing various inspirations and references. However, it started growing too much – becoming a large archive with thousands of different posts and images dedicated to a large extent of topics. The articles I published there got lost in-between the hundreds of other posts. Eventually, I created this place on WordPress in order to gather together all the most important articles that I originally posted there, and now it’s my main place for sharing the articles I write for you. I still recommend to visit my tumblr blog, which is simply a valuable base of various informations and a visual gallery with lots of references sorted with proper tags (I also pay a great attention on providing sources for everything posted there).

In the meantime, knowing how little resources are there about the pre-Christian Polish/Slavic traditions written in English, a new idea grew in my mind: to release a book that could be a compilation of valuable informations about the Polish ritual year – the rural customs, their pagan origins, and the Slavic mythology surviving in Poland. This idea is still among my distant future plans – but the real ones, therefore at the moment you can treat my articles as a foretaste of what might appear in the book one day.

Do you have a question for me? Do you want to request a topic, ask about details of a certain Polish custom, or just to know me better? Feel free to use the comment sections here on WordPress, or use the ask box on my tumblr. You can also write me a message to lamusdworski (at) gmail.com

This is an educational, non-profit blog dedicated to sharing knowledge with the international readers. I am the author of all the text material published here, however I do not own the rights to the visual content accompanying my articles (unless stated otherwise). Please always check the descriptions under the pictures where a source and / or copyright information are included.

On the header: fragment of a painting by Michał Gorstkin Wywiórski (1861-1926).

32 thoughts on “About – O blogu

  1. I so appreciate your blog! As you mentioned, it is difficult to find this kind of information on Old Poland in English. I’ll be ready for your book, once it’s published. In the meantime, I am so grateful that you are sharing so much with your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Twój blog to bezcenny zbiór informacji i wiedzy, uwielbiam go czytać, ale gdybyś faktycznie wydała książkę, która łączy choćby tylko pewną część zawartych tutaj artykułów, byłabym pierwsza w kolejce do księgarni! Internet i linki nie dorównają rozkoszy czytania z książki i papieru. Mam ogromną nadzieję, że nie porzuciłaś tego projektu.

    Życzę pomyślnego zbliżającego się Nowego Roku!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I was so glad to come upon your blog! (I love the title!) I am a Polish American. While all my grandparents came from Poland, my father wanted me to be an American, and thus told me nothing about my heritage. Twelve years ago I began exploring both my family roots and Polish history and mythology. I subsequently wrote a book, historical fiction (set in 1455) infused with Polish folklore. At some point, now long forgotten, I came across a Polish Folklore story of a man who traps a shapeshifter by stealing her wolfskin, locks it away in a cupboard, and takes her as a wife. I also read an interesting article about the Neuri an early tribe of Slavs who became wolves once per year and lived on the Narew River. So, your blog makes me wonder if you know any Slavic folklore about shapeshifters or any folktales like this? I have been going back to my early research but struggling a bit, and wonder if you might have any information you could share with me. Please let me thank you in advance for any help! Jo


    1. Hello, Jo! There are indeed some folktales about shapeshifters, werewolves or strigas among them. Lots of tales about curses, and people being trapped in bird / snake / other animal bodies. I could look into them in some free time, but sadly can’t promise much now due to my work schedule.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much. I would really appreciate any info you could find of shapeshifters.

        Also, I have another question: I have come upon domowiks in Eastern Poland. Do you know more of them or any other positive spirits?

        Thanks in advance


    2. Hello Jo! Your story sound so familiar. My my great grandparents came from Poland and unfortunately, did not pass on many of the polish traditions. I have asked my father and his sisters so many times what polish traditions they had growing up and unfortunately, there are none. They are lost to my family. It’s a story that I am finding it more common that not. I would be interested to know more about your book .

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hi Amber, I have really been on a journey of learning about my Polish heritage. I haven’t been on my blog in quite a while, but my manuscript of my book is finished. There are a number of Facebook Groups that might be able to help you a little, one Polish genealogy FB group actually found my great grandmother’s wedding record (for free) and I learned our family had been completely misspelling her maiden name! I would suggest you see if you can get as much information on names as you can and any details anyone can remember. It isn’t easy because many names have been Americanized along the way. One writer who helped me learn a lot about Polish customs is Sophie Hodorowitz Knabb. Shie also has a blog. This is a link to her book on Polish customs and folklore that was the first book I read as I researched:. She has written several. https://www.amazon.com/Polish-Customs-Traditions-Folklore-Hodorowicz/dp/0781805155/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1664657434&refinements=p_27%3ASophie+Hodorowicz+Knab&s=books&sr=1-1
        I don’t know where you are located but Polish churches can also sometimes be a help. Good luck on your learning adventure and thank you for your comment, Jo


  4. Hello! I’ve tried to do my own research on this topic but I had no luck. Could you write an article about old Polish beauty and makeup?


    1. Cześć Zosia! Is this your blog, Zosia? I am delighted to “meet” you! I wish I could help, but to answer your question I know nothing about beauty or make up. In addition to folklore, I have pursued history, Polish proverbs (which I love! – such wonderful down to earth wisdom), medieval times including fortifications of towns and castles, the evolution of Polish hussar cavalry, Polish recipes and food, and folk medicine among other things. I didn’t see her books mentioned but one thing I can offer is that I would recommend Books by Sophie Hordowicz Knab for your English readers. She has books on Polish folklore and customs, Polish herbs, folk medicine, and healing. She is also Polish American and unlike me, speaks Polish.

      I am so taken by your name. Is Zosia your imię? One of the main characters in my manuscript/book is named Zosia. She is a wise woman and healer, a grouchy grandmother to all. I love her personality and she is based a lot on my mother and her mother. Perhaps the Auroras, the Zorze, intended us to meet. I will email you my personal email…and perhaps we can learn from each other.



      1. Hi there, this is the blog owner replying, my name is not Zosia :) You replied to a comment left by someone of that name.
        I’d love to second the recommendation of the book by Sophie Hodorowicz Knab, and I’ll look what I can do to research and prepare some form of an article about the beauty and makeup. For now, I could also recommend looking more into the symbolism of hair in Slavic traditions.


  5. Just wanted to say that I have been greatly enjoying this blog. Thank you for all of the work you are doing to educate people about Poland’s beautiful folk traditions.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi! I discovered your blog a few days ago and have thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts, they’re wonderful! I belong to a living history/reenactors group, and we’re working on doing a complete, historically accurate reconstruction of a Russian Boyer outfit, pre-17th century. Your blog on the Russian Historical Costume for the Stage has been very helpful and I am wondering if you have any other sources to recommend for us. The description of the articles of clothing are most important to us. I’ll also be sharing your embroidery posts with the group as we’ll be doing a significant amount of goldwork on one of the tunics.
    I’m also a genealogist and some of my family was from Poland, so I really enjoy reading about the traditions and customs they may have enjoyed.
    Keep up the good work!!

    Thank you,



    1. Hello and thank you for stopping by.

      To be honest, I’m wondering what do you mean with the Russian historical costume for the stage. My blog is about Poland, not Russia. There are some posts I published about Polish historical clothing like the costumes of szlachta (Polish nobility) but I don’t recall ever describing the Russian historical costume of the Boyars. I posted many patterns of Polish embroidery which is rural embroidery from regional costumes of Polish peasants from around the turn of 19th/20th centuries, and those definitely shouldn’t go on historical costumes of the Boyars. Different culture and timeline.

      Hope you will find good resources somewhere!


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